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last night's reunion dinner was fun(yes, my family has it before chinese new year). well. at least AFTER the dinner. went back to clare's place and i watched her doll up. funny. it's only when she's overseas that i realize how much i enjoy being with her. i guess we take some things forgranted. anyways.

that's me doing a britney at clare's toilet door.

met lots of people today. seb. gen. soph. venisha.


gen was telling(complaining) to us about her supposed french manicure appointment that never happened. oh yes. i miss that side of gen, funnily. so she warns us never to go to snails at wheelock. ah well. i shall take her advice, seeing how worked up she was.

me with gen's expensivo shades. sophia ong.

soph was telling me about work, and it was damn farnee. from gay colleagues to complaining customers to japo cheena act-cute part timer. hahahahahhaa..

oh yes. and i developed my lomo shots today..on the normal action sampler. this roll is quite nice. pity i don't know hot to operate my scanner. it annoys me so.

met venisha on the train home. she was my first friend ever in sec 1. coz everyone came from the affiliated pri sch and i was a newbie. she was intelligent and funny. but somehow conversation just didn't flow. felt quite awkward.

each individual has many groups of friends. is it ever possible to integrate these groups? i've tried yet usually it's only 50-50 possible. however, ironically, in sunny minute singapore, it's nearly fact that everyone knows everybody else. the person next to you could be your friend's auntie's husband's neice or something. looking at society and its norms, i have an idealogy that people popular now will somehow "dominate" society in the future. the next ong beng sengs and paris hiltons. aye. i fear those days.

ok. i need a job.





    Reading: Research...
    Listening: Bag of Hammers & Swimming Pools by Thao


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