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stealing bubbly Posted by Hello

time is precious. didn't your mum or dad tell you? i'll bet teachers did. every second gone is history. sometimes, it takes time itself to make you value something. or rather, what little time you have left.

someone told me a dragonfly only has 24hours to be born, pro create and die. now that's leading a purposeful life. you know what you have to do, when you have to do it and how to do it. if only we humans were programmed that way. technically, we are, but given the longer life span we have, we often take time to consider, weigh the pros and cons then make a decision. when was the last time you carpe diem-ed? time makes everything beautiful, like there's something to look forward too.

yet time can be your worst enemy when in ill health, having a nervous break down or even during a race. time is of the essence. so what is time to us humans when we dont' realize it until destiny calls? is it a measurement? fate? speed? or even distance?

time is what you make of it. so make the best of it.





    Reading: Research...
    Listening: Bag of Hammers & Swimming Pools by Thao


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