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politics is often a touchy subject. most of us try to avoid it. majority of us get involved. then there's the lucky few that are oblivious. talking about it is taboo. but whispering about it seems acceptable. right. uh huh.

few things are out in the open. many kept in the closet. sooner or later, those skeletons will come dancing out in broad daylight, parading the facade many of us keep. such mockery often brings about much embarrassment and awkwardness. nonetheless, it's out in the open, what's left to hide?

we all show only different facets of ourselves to selected people. how wonderful it is to find someone whom you can show no facets to. i believe sometimes we go to different people for different needs, convincing ourselves that we can only get satisfaction on certain topics from a certain person. how true it is, is subjected to the individual, of course.

had we been given a map for our journeys in life, it wouldn't be called life anymore.





    Reading: Research...
    Listening: Bag of Hammers & Swimming Pools by Thao


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