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my love for cameras is starting to scare me as i've exhausted tons of money on collecting cameras (from vintage smenas to my sony t1), film and developing. but somehow, in comparison, the memories i've captured are really priceless.

packing my room of late, i (re)discovered tons of photo albums, so i happily browsed through them again. they were from my primary school days. so you can see, i've loved taking photos (be it infront or behind the lens) for a looong time.

which leads me to think, when does a love become an obessession? our progress and undying love can lead to an unhealthy derogatory infatuation. aye. dependence is a scary thing i've touched on many a time. i hate to think of myself as being dependent on something. of late, the debate is technology and man's dependence on it only makes us regress. but i'm thankful for it as i can talk to my loved one every single day despite being halfway across the world.

so you see, moderation is key. but for now, i'm happy collecting my cameras, vintage or not.






    Reading: Research...
    Listening: Bag of Hammers & Swimming Pools by Thao


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