i've been on a filmfest of late. they include shine, 7 years in tibet, 12 monkeys and kubrick's 2001 : a space odyssey. all good. each taught me a different lesson, some taught me multiple. nonetheless, the beauty of film is its ability to make one think, to draw links and see different angles. simply, it makes it easier to think, visualize and conceptualize possibilities.
2 of the 4 are based on true stories, the other 2, scifi. cried, did i, many a time during the former two, pulling on heart strings and emotions. kubrick's 2001 was an artform in its own way, albeit rather slow-moving and mamadrama, but hey, the message is through.
the grey line between sanity and insanity still exists, 10 years on after 12 monkeys was made in 1995. that grey area still stands today, i believe, in you and me. the boundary blurs, or sharpens, depending on individual. yet it's society that decides where this line is drawn. perhaps it's for our own good?
now, for kubrick's a clockwork orange.
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