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i love camper shoes. was taking a nice walk from bugis to raffles city from tuition, and lo and behold, i saw really cute camper stuff. yes. i already have one pair. but one is never enough la ar? hahaha..so when my mum goes to NYC, i'm gonna ask her to get some for me. lardeedar :)
oh yes. adding to my retail therapy list (or rather, bill) are some abercrombie and fitch tshirts. i'm not a big fan of t shirts, but they have really cute designs. i anticipate their arrival at my door. along with my other stuff from victoria's secrets. yes i do LOTS of online shopping.
had math tuition today. my tutor and i talked about the cosmos and he told me about einstein and stuff like that. it was really cool, coz he says i'm the only student that he talks to about such things. and we both agree that if one subjects himself to religion, he can't "truly" be open minded and that kinda makes one stagnant. oh well. touchy topics that i will not dwell on.
listening to "hey ya" by outkast. ekcellent.
is the part of day so far away?
will it end in the darkness of night
only time will tell
and maybe help easy our plight
endless nights await us
lands foreign where we seek refuge
instead of our native motherland
whom ironically at us, rebuke
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