well. i hope boo's resting well in hammie heaven along with michele chang's tuski. i still feel very sad and lonely when i go into my room and there's no one to greet. sigh. being an only child surely has its cons. i buried her near my estate's park.
oh. on a brighter note, i bought camper sandals today. slippers, thongs..whatever. made friends with the saleslady as usual. seb says i'm the perfect customer coz i'm always so obliged to buy. but i say purchasing power is very dangerous and i try not to abuse my authority. hurhur.
oh. on a brighter note, i bought camper sandals today. slippers, thongs..whatever. made friends with the saleslady as usual. seb says i'm the perfect customer coz i'm always so obliged to buy. but i say purchasing power is very dangerous and i try not to abuse my authority. hurhur.
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