« Home | last night's reunion dinner was fun(yes, my family... » | seb got me an early birthday present and surprise ... » | i watched mona lisa smile over the weekend. it was... » | i spy with my little eye, something that begins wi... » | yesterday: outing with sophia was damn fun. from w... » | i'm a fan of movie reruns. which is why buying vcd... » | i watched "love me if you dare" yesterday. very ... » | more pics..this time, mine. i finally decided to s... » | chatting with aletheia now. hurhur. we miss bali! ... » | so happy new year to everyone. what are your fello... »

an outing with clare is always fun. this proved no exception.
from walking in the rain in the styles of women with bound feet, to raiding topshop for a top - "afterall, it is top shop". hurhur. anyways. it's so nice to catch up and listen to all her aussie uni adventures. yes. i was all ears and noseyparker-ish.

me and my cuzzy.

i was cleaning my room today, aimed at it actually being clean BY chinese new year. how ambitious i was. it's not too bad really. just very..dusty and cluttered :

and i got rid of three bags worth of clothes :

aye. my dress sense in pri/sec school days were very..well, let's just say i was going through a phase. nonetheless, i had a good time laughing at all my sec 1 pictures - everyone with bad hair and tootsy specs, topped with cheesy grins and some brace faces. baby fat all gone now(damn, hint of a double chin is still emminent), indeed, secondary school days were the funnest of them all.

i decorated my toilet door :

something that's eye candy now. i still have a loooong way to go. damn SATs this saturday (which is unfortunately, my birthday too) which i haven't really prepared for. going back to school will be nostalgic and probably an overwhelming sense of WISDOM, themed with the coming of age, 19. how apt. *mutter.

ok ok. i shan't be a drag. i haven't even read much the past few days. goddamnit.





    Reading: Research...
    Listening: Bag of Hammers & Swimming Pools by Thao


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