our maps of life are covered with dust. some lie under our beds, between books on our shelves, or crumpled with other paper products or for the abitious, are pinned up on the wall next to posters. upon. we've created cities and landmarks; or erased civilizations just like in our (lack of) memory. pencil marks dot important events; bits of eraser shavings remnants of the past. it's time to draft out our new destinations - if not on my map, maybe on yours.
compass, anyone?
on a lighter note, during the past 2 months, i've received postcards and parcels from all over the world - from chicago to austria (peter sent chocolate!) to japan! very exciting, yet a poignant reminder that i am relatively stagnant here in perth.

however, i've had a few quaint experiences (re)discovering it and have found a delightful peace in its quiet calm that i sometimes take forgranted. from exhibitions in freo, to peacocks at the arts fac in uni, to my morning jogs along swan river, to dimsum in chinatown. yesterday, zhongyu, marco and i rummaged around in a vintage shop and discovered a traditional italian coffee maker which made marco extremely excited - so we bought it. ah, the gems we find amidst junk. or rather, the junk we treasure as gems.

haha, can you tell? it's about time for me to come home!
compass, anyone?
on a lighter note, during the past 2 months, i've received postcards and parcels from all over the world - from chicago to austria (peter sent chocolate!) to japan! very exciting, yet a poignant reminder that i am relatively stagnant here in perth.

however, i've had a few quaint experiences (re)discovering it and have found a delightful peace in its quiet calm that i sometimes take forgranted. from exhibitions in freo, to peacocks at the arts fac in uni, to my morning jogs along swan river, to dimsum in chinatown. yesterday, zhongyu, marco and i rummaged around in a vintage shop and discovered a traditional italian coffee maker which made marco extremely excited - so we bought it. ah, the gems we find amidst junk. or rather, the junk we treasure as gems.

haha, can you tell? it's about time for me to come home!

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