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the week in photos.. i wonder when i'm going to run out of steam.

shoobs and i go exploring around great world city.

meeting up with my canoeing juniors for prata and tau huay.

watched bloody saw III in the emptiest theatre ever. but was a rather good watch, even if i do say so myself. i am the worst at watching horror flicks. i practically watch my hands.

headed to chompang for nasi lemak and watched the world go by at seletar reservoir.

a night of drinks at wala's to celebrate the end of rachie's exams.

attended a short film screening with shoobs where i met neo swee lin and lim kay siew. the latter is ultra friendly and down to earth.

then headed to beat!

it's been a while since i saw karl. maaaaan..

again, phew.





    Reading: Research...
    Listening: Bag of Hammers & Swimming Pools by Thao


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