in another 15hours, a levels would've started. ARGH!!
reason behind putting this picture is to help me visualize (not that i needed much help to begin with) bali when i go there in december with my daddy. blue waters. fine sand. even finer shopping. yep. that's the life. i'll study for SATs when i get back la..
so how's everyone feeling? nervous? anxious? excited?! (you brainiac!) well. here's where we either prove ourselves worthy or just plain lazy. sigh. i'm afraid i'm the latter, really. but how many of us can truly say we're smart (without having the stigma of being called egotistical, because others can't argue it).
smart. knowledgeable. intelligent. bright. yeah. how many of us can really say that? hmm..
i believe the o's were only a test of memory, it just shows that you have a good memory, really. but a's. hmm..a's are more of a test on the way you think.
recently, the linkage between math and philosophy has never been so clear to me. the logic and thought process that is necessary to come to a conclusion. i'm not that great at math. and thus maybe that explains that my idealism isn't something that i'm faking. hurhur.
but math can be trained..will that make me be more practical? i wonder.
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