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watched master and commander yesterday. it was a deja vu experience watching russell crowe command a ship to battle, much like gladiator. oh yes, i really love the latter due to its roman empire era, except that it wasn't real la. but apparently it's based on many many stories of brave generals and stuff. so jack aubrey was like maximus decimus. i think.

what lovely weather to stay in. i've been sleeping so much, only waking up to eat. sigh. prom's on wednesday, i think i'm pretty much prepared. isn't prom such a farce? everyone's gonna take pictures for memories and swear they'll keep in touch, but actually, they can't be bothered? i guess it's up to expectations. i used to really have high expectations of myself and my friends, and when they or i, fell short, it was really disappointing. but if i never had these expectations to start with, i wouldn't have felt this way. oh well.





    Reading: Research...
    Listening: Bag of Hammers & Swimming Pools by Thao


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