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my birthday was celebrated over a span of 2 days - which was fun. it all started with SATs in the morning :

soph then followed me home for i had to pack and stuff. we then journeyed to town to get some stuff and took a cab to the hotel :

upon arrival, we had fruits, was greeted by a swanky bathroom and wonderful beds with colourful cushions :

well. it was only seb, soph and me in the afternoon. soph and i wanted to check out the famous pool, so we did. took nice underwater shots (have yet to develop them) and admired the view from above, through the transparent glass panes of the pool :

had a cuppa before other friends arrived :

gen and char finally arrived in the early evening :

christine was the last. hahahahah..typical, but coz she wasn't feel well, i forgave her. heh heh :

dinner at crystal jade was super good. so much food, and so value for money. we each must've had like 10+ dumplings. am quite sick of it for now :

went to phuture after dinner. blasted rain. made getting cabs and lining up and even walking, a pain in the ass. met lester and friend there + christine's friends as well. danced the night away and then headed back to the hotel. so this is seb and i after phuture :

slept at 6am and rose at 10am only to find my fellow room mates still fast asleep. bleahhh... went to the pool again :

checked out and then had a little snack at the book cafe, opposite the hotel :

took pictures at the latest public art piece :

headed to town to watch the last samurai. oh god. i cried one time too many, at the least expected scenes. well. it's a good movie, although a bit slow-moving at times. i admire the samurai strength, honour, integrity and sheer determination - they're fearless. it takes a great deal to not be afraid of death.

birthday pics

okok. so i know this isn't the best and most interesting entry, but well, my other friends deserve to know how things went.

to all who remembered, thanks peeps. esp to seb who made the effort to bake his wonderful cheesecake. thanks for all the pressies and smses. to those who couldn't make it : you owe me. hahahahahha..kidding. there's always next year.

i am 19 and 1 day old.





    Reading: Research...
    Listening: Bag of Hammers & Swimming Pools by Thao


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