me and virgin hair
i decided to highlight my hair today. whoopeedoo. i've always had virgin hair so i was pretty apprehensive about colouring it.
first, i dropped by glenda's place to see rachel. huh? well..glenda lives 5 mins away and balota stayed over last night. glen had to go to school..so balota was alone and i said hi to her and the dog, buffy:

buffy and me
took a walk to the market where i did my hair. ha! having thick hair can be such a bother. took them 2h just to foil up my hair. in total, i spent 3h on that chair.

alien invasion
balota was such a dear as to wait and keep my company. the hairdresser was really nice and told me what shades and stuff i should try. she told me how many times she bleached her hair to get her current colour (ash blonde) - 3. wah lau. i touched it and really..damn dry. so i decided against bleaching mine. so yeah. this is how it looks now

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