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we went to bodyworlds today! i'm glad to say i don't take bio, really. the plasticized organs already made me a teensy bit put off, can't imagine the real pumping ones + blood. we stayed there for slightly over an hour. met former school mates working there and thus got in free (heh heh) and another told me a bit more about the exhibits. oh well. pretty interesting overall. i liked the embryos best. my heart really went out to those with defects. sigh.

too much light

i've developed my lomo shots and this is the best series thus far. all the action captured at timely intervals complete with apt facial expressions and body language. sigh. i love. i think the beauty about it is it's able to capture one motion but at different times, different perceptions/angles (when the camera is moved, slanted, jerked). it creates a whole new picture, regardless if you intended it or not.

have you ever spelt your name backwards? like mine backwards is NEFUS. same few alphabets, different chronological order with a different (or no) meaning and pronunciation, yet still, derived from something that you know. i guess that's the wonder of words and meanings. sometimes you can't take things too literally, yet sometimes you wished you did. in retrospect, the same things, experiences or objects can create a different meaning, given the appropriate space in time and motion. either that, or your perception has changed due to external influences.

much better.

perhaps try spelling your name backwards.





    Reading: Research...
    Listening: Bag of Hammers & Swimming Pools by Thao


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