« Home | ok. 9 1/2hrs more to go. ARGH!!! » | in another 15hours, a levels would've started. A... » | well. i hope boo's resting well in hammie heaven a... » | my hamster passed away. » | adrian just called! ahh! hahahah..it's been so lon... » | oh by the way. 3 more days to a levels. » | click here for their online site i love camper ... » | i had a footlong cold cut trio on honey oat. extra... » | the sun is shining gloriously. how perfect to swim... » | ahhh!!!! one of my poems is a semi finalist in an ... »

wow. math actually felt better than econs. is that a revelation or what? my hands kept cramping from econs. ugh. always not enough time. dammit. math on the other hand, was do-able and pretty satisfying. hurhur.

i hope tomorrow's gp goes just as well. yay.

Who are you? No one would even know your name or
who you are. No one may even know what you
really look like. You would be known by a
series of names since you would go under many
aliases and have a number of disguises. You are
very clever and creative, and would almost
always be one step ahead of the authorities.
You would make sure no evidence of your
horrible murders would be left behind, and if
it is, no one would know it was you. You
sneaky, elusive person...authorities would have
hard time trying to catch you. You would
definitely be the mystery criminal. People may
not even know the your killings are all from
you. You would really be a threat to the

What Would Your Serial Killer Name Be? What Would the Public Know You As?
brought to you by Quizilla





    Reading: Research...
    Listening: Bag of Hammers & Swimming Pools by Thao


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