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so i went looking for a job today. picked out a number of interesting ones and scouted around town. aye. not as easy as i thought. the irony is, i bought stuff. sigh. but oh well. will try again later in the week.

i guess everyone has their eyes glued to "american idol 3". it's damn entertaining la. hahahaa...was juggling between channel 5 and arts central, where kurosawa's "the seven samurai" was on. the latter lasts for 3h40mins. good grieve. i'm in the midst of it now as i type.

bought 3 books today. sue townsend's "public confessions of a middle-aged woman" which is a collection of writings, just like marian keyes's "under the duvet". if you've read adrian mole, you'd know townsend is farnee man. used to read the adrian mole series during "silent reading" period in secondary school for it was the only entertaining thing i had. *shrug. i started on "vernon god little" by dbc pierre, and i tell you - it's fucken funny. was laughing to myself at coffee club amidst listening to my music, so you can imagine how psychotic i must've looked. hurhurhur.

ok. my last book is "revolting rhymes" by roald dahl. everyone that reads my blog will know i love roald dahl. so ya. it was only $4.90! yes yes, it has pictures by quentin blake in technicolour, so yes $4.90 was worth it.

overheard people on the train talking about friendster and how they use it to find dates. uh - hilarious. no offence, i like checking pple out too, but i take my hat off to these guys and their balls man. nonetheless, it's all in the spirit of valentine's day aye?





    Reading: Research...
    Listening: Bag of Hammers & Swimming Pools by Thao


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