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this weekend has been very eventful. staying over at balota's place, watching a play and boogie-ing once again. hohum.

balota's place

there's something about water that has a calming effect. i perceive myself to be a water baby. i enjoy everything about water. maybe it's to do with my zodiac - aquarius. oh well.


balota and min had some cocktail party thingie and i watched them dress up. i felt so completely underdress (even thought i wasn't attending it) in my shorts and t shirt.

at the SRT

we watched the odd couple on saturday. very entertaining. i like adrian pang. everyone in the play was hilarious and the jokes were intelligent, not slapstick HAHA types. thank god. felix and oscar were opposites in the play, and they eventually couldn't take each other's nonsense. it just makes you think about real life, if your friend would be willing to put up with 3 weeks of your gibbering, nonsense and crap. but then, if you have found someone like that, then you're lucky.

charmaine. me. ida.

at cartel

after pigging out at cartel, char and i went for some drinks at cheekymonkeys. hohoho. what a cheesy name, but i guess i did enjoy myself. had more drinks than i intended to, but it was all good clean fun. music consisted of the normal rnb staples and some songs i hear on the radio. i'm not too good with song titles. oh well.

we are cheekymonkeys

so you see, i did have a pretty hectic weekend, but in a good way. now there's only one thing left to do - meet seb. i haven't seen him in a while and i'm starting to really miss him. argh! tomorrow marks our 2years and 7 months. how fast time flies indeed.

thinking about results makes me cringe because i realize i don't want to grow up. or maybe, at least, not so fast. i like to make my own decisions, but i also like to be secure about making them. i guess it's like what cyril once said, that women want independence but also security. i think that's natural and if you can strike a balance, there's nothing to be insecure about.





    Reading: Research...
    Listening: Bag of Hammers & Swimming Pools by Thao


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