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my classmates

parveen, my classmate, was nice enough to cook curry for us today AND bread and butter pudding for dessert. yum. too bad not many classmates turned up, but still, it was quite fun and felt nice to see everyone again. parveen's cat, ricky, is damn cute man..long haired persian mixed with something else. apparently, he just got his fur all chopped off. sigh.



as usual, taking pics with sophia ong.

using the cheesy background of a neoprint machine


today, as i was travelling to parveen's place in a bus, a school bus filled with primary school boys stopped next to us at a traffic light. it was really cute to see them get excited over god knows what and huddle in a group. you'd see the happy faces and can almost hear their laughs. it was quite heartwarming, although i'm not a kid person. i came from a mixed primary school, thus it kept me wondering would i have turned out any different had i gone to a single sexed one instead. but i did go to a single sexed secondary school, so you could say i got the best of both worlds.

ha! girls were extremes then man, either REALLY tomboy, butchy, lesbian or very very vain and flirtatious. i guess it's all the same, but really, those were the best days of my life, cliche as it is. pulling our blouses under our pinafore and flashing our underwear/shorts - because no one cared; being damn chor loh and screaming at the top of our voices and not being shy about having our periods, needing a pad and thus, shouting across the classroom/hallway/lecture theatre for one. yeah man, those were the days.





    Reading: Research...
    Listening: Bag of Hammers & Swimming Pools by Thao


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