« Home | bodyworlds we went to bodyworlds today! i'm glad... » | i have mixed feelings about chinablack last night.... » | j2s sdba's over! well, only one silver from the ... » | phew! the past few days have been really hectic. u... » | at sq lounge before departure well. phuket was f... » | leaving for phuket at 9:20am tomorrow. till tuesda... » | "reunited and it feels so goood.." ha! well. i d... » | well. tomorrow's the day. good luck to everyone. » | i thought i'd be spending my weekdays as a tv junk... » | goodbye february, hello march. well. i did go out... »

Grammar Fuhrer
You are the grammar Fuhrer. All bow to your
authority. You will crush all the inferior
people under the soles of your jackboots, and
any who question your motives will be
eliminated. Your punishment is being the bane
of every other person's existence, because
you're constantly contradicting stupidity.
Everyone will be gunning for you. Your dreams
of a master race of spellers and grammarians
frighten the masses. You must always watch your
back. If only your power could be used for good
instead of evil.

What is your grammar aptitude?
brought to you by Quizilla

i do not know whether to laugh at the picture or the description. australia fair tomorrow. more fairs, more fairs.





    Reading: Research...
    Listening: Bag of Hammers & Swimming Pools by Thao


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