a day out with shoobs..
at SAM - singapore art museum
me and giant neucleotides(i think that's what they're called)
shoobs on screen!hawhaw
breaking the rules
was on this small rocking chair. complete with beehive hairdo
at breko's. shoobs and his new bag
drinks at walawala's with rachie
what an interesting day it was. SAM was pretty cool, albeit half the galleries were closed. i found the twilight media exhibits rather intriguing. i liked the space the exhibits was given, yet i wasn't too impressed with the little clip shoobs and i viewed. it was an eye sore - literally. i kinda got what it was trying to say, but the flashes were really too much to take. i loved the exhibit on butterflies the most. too bad i didn't take a picture. we were surreptitiously sneaking those shots. hurhur.
what is art? expression? surrealism? emotions? energy? i believe there are a thousand and two definitions for art. no wait, make that 5 billion, as art is what art is to the individual. one man's meat is another man's poison.

at SAM - singapore art museum

me and giant neucleotides(i think that's what they're called)

shoobs on screen!hawhaw

breaking the rules

was on this small rocking chair. complete with beehive hairdo

at breko's. shoobs and his new bag


drinks at walawala's with rachie
what an interesting day it was. SAM was pretty cool, albeit half the galleries were closed. i found the twilight media exhibits rather intriguing. i liked the space the exhibits was given, yet i wasn't too impressed with the little clip shoobs and i viewed. it was an eye sore - literally. i kinda got what it was trying to say, but the flashes were really too much to take. i loved the exhibit on butterflies the most. too bad i didn't take a picture. we were surreptitiously sneaking those shots. hurhur.
what is art? expression? surrealism? emotions? energy? i believe there are a thousand and two definitions for art. no wait, make that 5 billion, as art is what art is to the individual. one man's meat is another man's poison.
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