met onglye

at guess again. onglye in her ahlian get up. cute, no?

at the end of the day
we may never know who we actually become (unless we could time travel), until we become it. yet we like to have a certain idea of how we will eventually. teachers, parents, counsellors always tell youths to work towards a goal in mind. yet if we were really open-minded, we wouldn't know what to work towards in the first place.
when i was slightly younger than i am today, people asked me what i wanted to be when i grow up, i'd say "successful". i was at that age where i was torn between science and the arts, and long gone were the dreams of being a lawyer. "successful" was the only term capable enough to fully describe what i wanted to be in the future. but "successful" wasn't enough for the adults who wanted to know "successful at what?"
now at 19, things haven't changed much. i still want to be successful, be it in journalism, media, arts and being a mum. most of all, i want to be able to say i lived up to my own dreams. that is, the idealistic non-reality-based hope. hope of? who knows.
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