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i just had one of the best classes on poetry this semester. people that i admire come every so now and then; but people, let alone teachers, that inspire me are few and far between. here's one.

one of the subjects brought up today was feminism. personally, i am rather ambivalent about it - it is a conversation and moral topic that i have long avoided to blog about due to its subjectivity. long-time friends might have previously known me to be quite a hardcore feminist, but later years have mellowed me and i have gradually become less emotional towards the movement.

to a certain extent, feminism in a modern day context could be (and this is purely subjective) a subliminal victimisation of women. the very existence of it is a stigma of our patriarchal society ever since civilisation and the slave trade. is screaming any louder going to heal the pain?

consequently, aggressive "let's burn our bras" feminism does little to ameliorate the situation. on the contrary, i tend to think it aggravates, purely because it is overtly provoking yet paradoxically, does little, except create consumer demand in our capitalistic societies for more/new bras. in other words, it is only the tip of the iceberg.

i am adamant in my convictions for equal rights, mutual respect and pro-choice for everybody (yes, of course this includes women and homosexuals) but i also believe in a balance that cannot be created by negative existence. we are defined, to a certain extent, by who/what we are not.

just my two cents' worth.

the other interesting topic that was on the agenda today: drugs and alcohol does not equate coolness. and neither does smoking, for that matter.

but that's another story for another time.





    Reading: Research...
    Listening: Bag of Hammers & Swimming Pools by Thao


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