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due to an event i'd rather not elaborate on, i bumped my head against the door frame and ended up with a bruise near my left eye. it even hurts when i blink.

so i set about to conduct my experiment on the old wives' tale of using a hard-boiled egg to rub the bruise. you know, the myth that the yolk will turn black after a good rubbing etc etc.

so here's a pic of me looking rather silly with a half-boiled egg against my eye/temple area. i realize i look rather spooky, what with my pupils concentrating on the egg and leaving my eyewhites to announce their usually-overlooked presence in the picture. ooer.

after 10 minutes of feeling like a moron, the verdict was:

they're still bloody yellow. oh well.

me and my fascination with old wives' tales.





    Reading: Research...
    Listening: Bag of Hammers & Swimming Pools by Thao


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