« Home | wow. math actually felt better than econs. is that... » | ok. 9 1/2hrs more to go. ARGH!!! » | in another 15hours, a levels would've started. A... » | well. i hope boo's resting well in hammie heaven a... » | my hamster passed away. » | adrian just called! ahh! hahahah..it's been so lon... » | oh by the way. 3 more days to a levels. » | click here for their online site i love camper ... » | i had a footlong cold cut trio on honey oat. extra... » | the sun is shining gloriously. how perfect to swim... »

aye. so gp didn't go well. i'm not happy about it. my pet topic - feminism, didn't come out *sulks. so i did no. 3 : does the book have a future? sigh.i hope all goes well.

i actually managed to fall asleep during paper 2. brilliant! and the irony is, i didn't have my bout of insomnia last night. in fact, i went to sleep the minute i hit my pillow.
a curse be upon me.

i bought 2 books today.
1. the wordsworth book of limericks
2. sophie's world by jostein gaarder
the former is very entertaining. i kept laughing and smiling to myself on the mrt. heh heh. psycho.
and the latter is a book on philo put nicely into letters and stuff..haven't embarked on it yet, but i will!

oh. and i bought shoes. someone please shoot me.

nay, he we must forget
till death do us part
satan, he's already met
so shakes, smell my fart





    Reading: Research...
    Listening: Bag of Hammers & Swimming Pools by Thao


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