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the beauty of nature never fails to awe me.

i was watching "kids downunder" while eating lunch today and 2 teens were on a 3 week journey to antarctica. so in 30mins i was given the gist of the climate, animals, season etc. it was really interesting.


however, what struck me the most was when some chairman of a group of expeditioners made a speech about antarctica being the most peaceful continent ever, not having experienced war, destruction, social evils and what not. indeed, those words did stick in my mind. and although "kids downunder" is a very old show (hell, i remember watching it when i was a kid), i'm sure that statement still stands strong. perhaps the only problem it's facing right now is the melting of icebergs and the increasing temperatures.

adelie penguins

i liked the little segment on penguins and seals. i've always thought penguins were freaking cute, with the waddle and flapping "wings" and webbed feet, indeed, how not to like penguins? they were so tame, letting the humans go close to them to do experiments and oberservations - apparently because other than sea predators like the killerwhales, penguins do not have any natural land predators. hm...except maybe the polar bear. hohum. they even walked up to the humans as if to welcome them.

so although it's true that it's the most peaceful continent on earth, one thing is for certain : only the fittest survive.





    Reading: Research...
    Listening: Bag of Hammers & Swimming Pools by Thao


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