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in the past week:

tales..tails..still unsure



promoting pads

at breko

wala wala

"santori times"

and earlier this week..

onglye and me

i watched troy today. one of the rare shows i'd watch again - in the cinema (bloody $8.50), and again (dvd). i'd like to think this show did homer justice otherwise he'd be writhing in his grave. brad pitt as archilles was just plain good casting. that jump-spear move will be heavily imitated i foresee, thanks to good camera angles. the sets are explosive and just awesome. peter jackson, kiss my cellulite ass.

my fascination with greek, roman and everything historic will never cease.
seb says i belong to the past - victorian, if not roman or greecian era. but i can safely say i'm not alone in this, i'm sure there are plenty of people who are intrigued with the past. and to seb, i say he belongs to the future, for sometimes his ideas are so far-fetched, i cannot fathom. not that they're silly, just something i'd never think of.

i hope they do the odyssey soon, as the continuation. must go read it first. i'm a terrible believer in reading the book before the movie. but to each his own.





    Reading: Research...
    Listening: Bag of Hammers & Swimming Pools by Thao


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