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i listened to william hung's "inspiration" album yesterday. i'm not much of a singer, but hey, i did music for more than 10 years, i know an off key when i hear one. and i didn't just hear one, i heard more than 20 in one song. holy cow! apart from giving him credit for being bold and determined, when it comes to his singing (or rather, lack of it), i have to boo him. really.

seb and i were laughing and trying to control our laughter while listening to the album in hmv. oh boy, were my abs working. so if you see a couple of morons laughing away in hmv, you know who they're listening to.

on a happier note, i bought a new book. i love books. books books books. call me a nerd, i don't mind, but how can one not read? when i see people's friendster's accounts on what their favourite book is and it's "i don't read", i just feel quite sad. not for them, but just generally sad. books have provided me solace when i needed it; escapism when called for; company when alone.

i like getting a whiff of the "fresh" book smell that most new books have. i like the smooth matt finish of a book cover. i like looking at book covers. i like signing my name on the first page. i like looking at nice fonts and not those ittybittyteenytiny ones that make you go blind. and i like the order of a book - start to end.

so won't you buy me a book today?





    Reading: Research...
    Listening: Bag of Hammers & Swimming Pools by Thao


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