seb and su

seb left out the "please do not lean" sign. BAH.

there's me boy
32 months is a long time, but it also seems so short. the theory of relativity is a beautiful thing even if we live in denial of it. what can cure humanity's woes but love. before i start preaching "all you need is love" ala lennon style, it's just my opinion.
50 first dates is hilarious. actually, rob schneider is hilarious. i'm not much of an adam sandler fan, but that barrymore-sandler duo thing is working well, just like ben stiller-owen wilson and meg ryan-tom hanks.
on screen we have famous duos, tag teams and sidekicks. as perfect as their chemistry is, the best we can do is replicate such a bond in reality, although it's far from easy. i'm just glad i don't have to try too hard. things are perfect the way they are, albeit sometimes our arguments are like WWE tagteam fights (against each other) instead of romeo and juliet. nono, make that antony and cleopatra. hohum.
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