highlights of a day out with balota - again :
at johnny 2 thumb
while a nice-looking gentleman was getting his tat done
yes. we went to johnny 2 thumb. not for me la, for rachel. but alas, she'll be doing it next week. it was a rather intimidating process for me to just WITNESS is. i'm kinda freaked out by pain, let along repeated pain. but watching the process of getting a tat done was pretty fascinating - from choosing the right graphics, size and price. we watched a nice indian guy get his tat done. it wasn't his first. i politely asked if it was painful and he said yeah, kinda. bleah. but he also said he thinks he's addicted. hahaha..reminds me of my addiction to piercing a few years ago. sigh. nonetheless, he was nice and didn't fit into the "gangster "stereotype that most people presume. the guy at johnny 2 thumb was really nice as well. very funny.
i waited for my friend to finish her work at quiksilver and took a ride with her home (since she lives really near me) and i got insight to the politics and the "behind the scenes" stuff. aye. plus! i went to relc to apply for aus unis. all these events are really making me feel very mature all of a sudden. i was telling balota, i'm finally growing up, not just imagining or feelingmature. hohum.
i found this rather amusing, from catcher in the rye :
"girls with their legs crossed, girls with their legs not crossed, girls with terrific legs, girls with lousy legs, girls that looked like swell girls, girls that looked like they'd be bitches if you knew them."
how true. coming from a male's perspective, i have to say, i kinda agree. many types of girls, and the way girls criticize each other is no joke. i have to agree we are a complex species, yet sometimes i have to wonder, do we act in a way that is "allowed" just because we're women? it's pretty unfair to men, really.
seb and i were talking about gender equality, and it's true, men are left out of this "rat race" for equality. but i feel it's because they're already dominating society, thus they don't feel challenged, as much as we do.
on the other hand..
"guys that always talk about how many miles they get to a gallon in their goddam cars. guys that get sore and childish as hell if you beat them at golf, or even some stupid game like ping-pong. guys that are very mean. guys that never read books. guys that are very boring-But i have to be careful about that. i mean calling certain guys bores. i don't understand boring guys."
guys have their stereotypes too. it's true, albeit we sometimes overlook it.
however, despite men and women's shortcomings, nature somehow makes us jive together. the balance of nature is a wonderful thing, even though sometimes we don't understand or fathom it. women wouldn't be women without men, and men won't be men without the women. we always need ying and yang, and as always, the problem is reaching and obtaining that balance.

at johnny 2 thumb

while a nice-looking gentleman was getting his tat done
yes. we went to johnny 2 thumb. not for me la, for rachel. but alas, she'll be doing it next week. it was a rather intimidating process for me to just WITNESS is. i'm kinda freaked out by pain, let along repeated pain. but watching the process of getting a tat done was pretty fascinating - from choosing the right graphics, size and price. we watched a nice indian guy get his tat done. it wasn't his first. i politely asked if it was painful and he said yeah, kinda. bleah. but he also said he thinks he's addicted. hahaha..reminds me of my addiction to piercing a few years ago. sigh. nonetheless, he was nice and didn't fit into the "gangster "stereotype that most people presume. the guy at johnny 2 thumb was really nice as well. very funny.
i waited for my friend to finish her work at quiksilver and took a ride with her home (since she lives really near me) and i got insight to the politics and the "behind the scenes" stuff. aye. plus! i went to relc to apply for aus unis. all these events are really making me feel very mature all of a sudden. i was telling balota, i'm finally growing up, not just imagining or feelingmature. hohum.
i found this rather amusing, from catcher in the rye :
"girls with their legs crossed, girls with their legs not crossed, girls with terrific legs, girls with lousy legs, girls that looked like swell girls, girls that looked like they'd be bitches if you knew them."
how true. coming from a male's perspective, i have to say, i kinda agree. many types of girls, and the way girls criticize each other is no joke. i have to agree we are a complex species, yet sometimes i have to wonder, do we act in a way that is "allowed" just because we're women? it's pretty unfair to men, really.
seb and i were talking about gender equality, and it's true, men are left out of this "rat race" for equality. but i feel it's because they're already dominating society, thus they don't feel challenged, as much as we do.
on the other hand..
"guys that always talk about how many miles they get to a gallon in their goddam cars. guys that get sore and childish as hell if you beat them at golf, or even some stupid game like ping-pong. guys that are very mean. guys that never read books. guys that are very boring-But i have to be careful about that. i mean calling certain guys bores. i don't understand boring guys."
guys have their stereotypes too. it's true, albeit we sometimes overlook it.
however, despite men and women's shortcomings, nature somehow makes us jive together. the balance of nature is a wonderful thing, even though sometimes we don't understand or fathom it. women wouldn't be women without men, and men won't be men without the women. we always need ying and yang, and as always, the problem is reaching and obtaining that balance.
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