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alright. i'm using my dad's laptop. like i said, sasserworm, FEEL MY FUCKEN WRATH! goddammit. the guy who made it? some 18 year old german kid for his mum's company to screw up some competitor. ARGHHHHH!!!

ok. anger aside, i've been pretty good. driving's been fun and my instructor's really nice, although, like all my friends, he likes to laugh at things i say, which he claims to me, is unknowinglly funny. ugh. whatever.

regarding universities, i'm just on the fence. sometimes it helps to stand back and observe things without jumping head first. it's like when you have chili stuck between your teeth and only your friend can tell you where. if not, smile and feel stupid. nonetheless, i'm still one of them who's hoping and (not necessarily) praying for nus to send their acceptance letters to me.

troy will be out 13th may! my reading of iliad will not be futile when watching the show! it doesn't hurt that brad pitt plays archilles. but what is so handsome about orlando bloom?





    Reading: Research...
    Listening: Bag of Hammers & Swimming Pools by Thao


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