i love edward gorey. a certain sense of morbidity is always essential in everyday life. his drawings make me smile and the twists in his "stories" are ever amusing - obviously not meant for little children. i have his calendar hanging near my bed, but being silly ol' me, i don't like to taint it with my handwriting, predicting my monthly biological friend. edward gorey's worth too much.
i was over at my grandma's the other day. my mum was helping her look for $3000 which she misplaced. dad, being cynical, whispered to me how anyone could misplace such a big amount of money. then he pointed to my grandma's room (where my mum was as well) and said, "look, mummy's becoming like ahma already. so similar." then i gave him the evil eye. and he said "don't laugh, you're also like that. just look at your room". wah.
so. although well don't plan on becoming our mothers (or fathers), and we SWEAR we'd never treat our kids the way they treated us, sometimes the past comes back to haunt. or perhaps, we're haunted by the future. is it in our genes that at a certain age we remind our parents of themselves? eeks.
i'm sure it's inevitable, afterall, they've "been there, done that" already. sooner or later, we'll see certain aspects of ourselves in our kids. but let's not stress them out to become us.
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