« Home | math 2 is over and done with. math is officially o... » | is this nice or is this nice? » | aye. so gp didn't go well. i'm not happy about it.... » | wow. math actually felt better than econs. is that... » | ok. 9 1/2hrs more to go. ARGH!!! » | in another 15hours, a levels would've started. A... » | well. i hope boo's resting well in hammie heaven a... » | my hamster passed away. » | adrian just called! ahh! hahahah..it's been so lon... » | oh by the way. 3 more days to a levels. »

ah. econs paper 1 & 2. i am ambivalent. paper 1 was really quite bad, coz i found out the previous night that my mcq skills are as good as nilch. yes. but then! paper 2 (data response and case study) went pretty well. i REAAALLY enjoyed doing the case study, coz there was so much to write about, from inflation to unemployment to forex. topics that i like. oh well. but that doesn't mean i'm confident of doing well. i barely had enough time to finish most of my questions *mutter.

hmm..the sun's been pretty good the past few days. today's no exception, really. so nice. only thing it lacked was wind. heh.

so tomorrow's lit paper 1. shakes and other authors. aye. i can't say i like this paper very much. i like paper 2 better - 18th and 19th century writers. oh yes, i finished a few books recently and am now reading one roald dahl short story every night before i sleep.

i need to go to the gym.





    Reading: Research...
    Listening: Bag of Hammers & Swimming Pools by Thao


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