« Home | is this nice or is this nice? » | aye. so gp didn't go well. i'm not happy about it.... » | wow. math actually felt better than econs. is that... » | ok. 9 1/2hrs more to go. ARGH!!! » | in another 15hours, a levels would've started. A... » | well. i hope boo's resting well in hammie heaven a... » | my hamster passed away. » | adrian just called! ahh! hahahah..it's been so lon... » | oh by the way. 3 more days to a levels. » | click here for their online site i love camper ... »

math 2 is over and done with. math is officially over and done with. bliss is an understatement, my friend.

i think my dad placed an order for the book my poem's gonna get published in. i'm too excited already. hahahaha..
it's only get published in winter 2004. so i gotta wait nearly a whole year just to receive it. oh well. my invitation to florida in march..wow. that's another shocker. but a pleasant surprise, nonetheless.

have you seen your life play as a movie? i know i have. hahaha..but no acting..just a documentary kinda thing.
with excellent cinematography to hide my zits or something. i think one of the many songs on the OST i'd have would be "rest in pieces" by saliva. ya la..it's a turn off name for a band, but what the hell, that song's damn nice la..and my all time favourite "can't take my eyes off you". it's been my fave since pri 4 i think. remember playing the easy version for electone class, then finally playing the teacher's grade one in sec4. yes. i love music. language in melody. beautiful, no?

when we go out parted ways
as away, the day will fade
we will never again, play
like we did, our bond is dead

memories are all we have left
all we cling to
like our pillows so soft
is the imagery of you





    Reading: Research...
    Listening: Bag of Hammers & Swimming Pools by Thao


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