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apart from "cleopatra" on channel i, there's nothing interesting to watch this monday evening.

i wonder if cleopatra is as enchanting as the actress who played her in the show, of course, elizabeth taylor was really good too. no one knows how cleopatra looks like, all thanks to octavius caesar. damn.

ok. this may sound lame, but when cleopatra's library went up in flames during the war, i was really really heartbroken as it is half of the world's knowledge gone. imagine all the information, pictures, histories and knowledge that would've been passed down, but is, lost. and books hold a sentimental value to me, i guess that's a double whammy.

those who know me will know about my bestfriends, jane (austen) and oscar (wilde) and my obssession with about history (reading as an interest, not as an examinable subject). i am intrigued by the past, especially greek and roman history. i really get all teary eyed and that warm fuzzy feeling in your heart when i hear about their triumphs, passions and my imagination goes into overdrive trying to picture the scenes, images, dialogue and the landscape.

reading iliad is not for the faint hearted, i swear. i'm lost in the names already. hohoho. no worries, will use the net to check them up. nonetheless, my spirit doesn't falter. i can't wait for the movie TROY to be released. oh boy, i think i'll be more excited than those hardcore lord of the rings addicts. no, seriously, i will be. not only will i buy memorabilia, but try to cajole my friends into reading the odyssey. i was so stoked when i saw the trailer in the theatre, i was teary eyed and all. blame my tear ducts la, and the fact that i'm very sentimental. ARGH! the scene of 1 boat, then to 10, to 100, to 1000 and on and on just amazed me. yes yes, it's most prolly computer graphics, but imagine the magnitude back in those days. aye. no matter how many times i watch it, i still get that fuzzy lockjaw sensation which then numbs my limbs. then i just go "wow"

everyone knows my incessant obssession with the movie gladiator. i was nuts about it in sec3. i memorized his glorious "maximus decimus meridius" lines and downloaded song after song from the sountrack. ya. i was that hardcore. typing this entry now, i'm also getting excited.

oh ya. to my other hero, happy 2years and 7 months. can we book troy tickets? yes, i know it opens in may.





    Reading: Research...
    Listening: Bag of Hammers & Swimming Pools by Thao


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