« Home | didn't do much this weekend, except read and watch... » | today's the last day of january. boy did that fly ... » | i have much to say, but words don't do me justic... » | allposters.com i was a tv junkie today, thanks t... » | so i went looking for a job today. picked out a nu... » | my birthday was celebrated over a span of 2 days -... » | happy lunar new year to one and all! ^cinderell... » | an outing with clare is always fun. this proved no... » | last night's reunion dinner was fun(yes, my family... » | seb got me an early birthday present and surprise ... »

Water Personality
You have a water personality. You are moody and
often depressed, caught up in the 'why me?'s of
life. You have been hurt and as a consequence,
question everybody's motives behind their
relationship with you. Relationships don't come
easy to you and when you are in one, you can
become too caught up in what you're doing wrong
and disregard the other person almost entirely.
Despite the downsides, you have a lot of
friends (even if you can only trust one or two
of them). Cheer up, Emo kid, and enjoy life for
what it is.

Elemental Personalities: Which is Yours?
brought to you by Quizilla

these quizzes are somewhat fun to do, always interesting to read the results, and definitely entertaining. from "which type of pornstar" to "personality tests", sometimes the results can be strangely accurate, otherwise, i laugh at the computer screen for 2mins.





    Reading: Research...
    Listening: Bag of Hammers & Swimming Pools by Thao


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