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i do not like being a medium. be it between friends, mum and aunts, teachers and students. i do not like it. perhaps the value of opinion is highly degraded and at this point of pro-individualism, regarded as argumentative, therefore asking another person to convery a message lessens the effect of it. geez. i say do it on your own. i've never been selfish with opinions, trust me. in fact, i think i'm too full of them. i wish my brain would just stop thinking for 5 mins. then again, i would cease to exist because i need to be constantly doing something.

perhaps the faults in other we see in ourselves and deny it, therefore it manifests in our body language, verbal language and most importantly our thoughts. self denial is something everyone lives with. yet human nature is so. there's nothing we can do to change behavior once we have an individual value system.






    Reading: Research...
    Listening: Bag of Hammers & Swimming Pools by Thao


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