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i went out with balota today. and it was fun! (yes babe, despite my rolling of eyes and lack of enthusiasm some point in time..hurhurhur) anyways, watched hellboy too. aiyo. i shan't comment, just that one will stay off sotong/squid/calamari/octopus for a while after watching that show.

take 1

who should i see but the lovely amanda and andrea. heh heh heh. it's so funny. i used to see them ALL the time back in school, but now, everything seems so different that it was a pleasant surprise to see them.

take 2

amanda's $129 shoes

manda, please don't kill me for telling the price. i'm just flabberghasted. but aye, they sure are pretty and suit you. sjp no. 2 la you.

with good company

tomorrow, or technically, today, is a public holiday. i remember those. looking forward to a long weekend, relaxing, and not doing anything for the whole day - in the true spirit of public holiday. but aiya. everyday to me is a public holiday now, so much so that it has lost its meaning. i guess we do take things forgranted and even the littlest things we forget.

i once told seb i like variety and choices over routine. but the more i think about it, the more i am a "routine" person. every morning, without fail, i get up:

1. groan and moan
2. take a piss
3. brush my teeth
4. on the tv
5. read the papers

hmm. friends, despite the appearance of my room and the utter chaos i have strewn it into, i assure you, i am a very organized thinker. REALLY. i like to plan things before heading out, so as to prevent time wastage. i like neatly lined bookshelves at kino (as opposed to those of borders). i like my food proportions neatly separated by an invisible line. hohum. i must sound like a pain in the ass.

well, method in chaos, i think that's what i am. or rather, my attitude. a good analogy would be the organized routine of a timetable, yet the flexibility of being able to practise the freedom of choice in what to do.

well. i am a walking contradiction. aren't we all?





    Reading: Research...
    Listening: Bag of Hammers & Swimming Pools by Thao


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