darren's wine party cum karaoke session

tau pok-ing the birthday boy

small eyes unite

(going to) cut the cake

happy 21st!
looking at darren(ming) and his ns friends, i couldn't help but feel envious. ns really does seem to bring guys closer together. from jeesiowing each other about playboy karaoke (which i thought was pretty fucken funny), to stripping and to spastic army stories, indeed, ns could either be "the best of times" or "the worst of times".
for guys, perhaps going through physical torture together makes them closer. it was the same during my kayaking days. but i'm not too sure i can say the same for the girls because we only end up having grudges, complaining and being angry/frustrated. so what do we girls need to go through in order to be closer? i say it's time.
time is indeed a factor in friendship. unlike "love at first sight", friendship needs time to develop. i once felt an instant connection to another, actually, very often; yet i sometimes get disappointed upon finding out a person's true character. perhaps others feel the same about me. either way, we hold certain expectations close to our hearts and they don't die down no matter how hard to try to hide them.
oh well. i realize i did know ming for 4 years and quite a number of friends for more than 5. it's scary how time flies, yet the bliss behind time more then makes up for the speed of it. my greatest achievement (in friendship) yet - knowing RACHEL BALOTA for 17 fucken years. ya you babe, we've known each other since we were in diapers, to geeky nerds, to hormonal teenagers and to "young adults". WAH LAU.
but of course, my bestestestest friend yet - seb.
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