So. I went to bed after our chat. Got comfy. Lay on flattie and started my usual rhythm of deep, slow breaths. I believe I drifted off into a rather nice and yet not deep enough slumber because I was woken up by some residents at 5am screaming outside my window.
The girl - an annoying-looking American with a voice I'd kill myself if I had (think Fran Drescher in "The Nanny" if you know this tv comedy). Her laugh was worse. The kind you need earplugs for. Or in cartoons, would shatter glass. She looks like she could shatter glass too. The guy - nondescript horny bastard.
I peeked out my window, from my bed and saw the physical action that was making this annoying american squeal like a delighted piggy who just managed to escape the abattoir. It was not a pretty sight that greeted my squinty un-glasses eyes. I then proceeded to put on my glasses, with much taints of annoyance, and give them an angry glare. Of course, they were too absorbed with looking at each others crotches or making weird flirtatious noises to notice - perhaps it takes too big a proportion of their active brains to make these weird evolutionary mating calls. I empathised. But not for long.
I considered yelling "please wrestle in someone's room but not in the courtyard" or something a bit more simplistic for their primitive brains along the lines of "FUCK OFF, you brainless bumholes!!!! I AM TRYING TO SLEEP!!!!" but alas, in my passive aggressive demeanour, half boiling half wanting to eavesdrop on this potential scandal, I turned on my lights and drew my curtains and stared at them instead. It was like when a boy gets caught wanking. Yes. The soggy boxer syndrome. Theirs was the "oh no, we look retarded but we can't hide it. But we really thought you were all sleeping!" syndrome. And not even alcohol content in their bloodstreams could save their subprime posterior properties.
My 24th was just a week ago. I had a small pre-"proper" celebration with my neighbour, Anna, who cooked me a hearty breakfast (bacon, croissants, eggs, fruit..), walked around the city with me and finally had drinks with me in the night.
She is a rare gem and always such a darling - my listening ear, advice-giver (only when consulted), enthusiastic bunny and someone who craves Chinese food more than I do. She loved durian ice cream the first time she tried it - without developing that necessary "acquired taste". Much love.
My "proper" celebration is tomorrow evening.
And I got to thinking what I've achieved after 24 years of being on planet Earth. Chronologically speaking, I was never really the brightest at school: average plain jane with the average plain jane grades, a few good friends which somehow always landed me the image of being arrogant. However, I mixed around well and could generally fit into most social groups, rather a chameleon.
What I remember having and I still do, is having the insatiable appetite for knowledge. I liked having information, facts and sometimes figures at the tips of my fingers. Big ideas, I adore: mainly because I have a shit memory for Confucian-style learning (i.e. memorising) that the Singaporean school system is based on. Yes, smartassing (not in a chiding manner) and amassing information was a favourite hobby of mine. I think Dad got me a "Big Book of Answers" when I was about 8 so I would stop asking him WHOWHATWHENHOWWHYWHERE. Then came Encarta. And the internet.
However, somewhere along the line of growing my bubble world of untouched reality fuelled by 18th and 19th century English literature, globe trekking, music, pictures and hobbies only afforded with good economics, I was selfish. Being an only child meant and probably still means sharing is a life-long process as opposed to something one learns in childhood. I took easily; I gave little. Slowly, but surely, I've developed a penchant for sharing my little facts and figures, my musings, some poetry - my bubble world and my quirks, unconsciously digging mini graves with people I meet along my journey.
I thought by doing this I was being open with my friends, my family, my loved one(s). Today, I realise how much I still have to learn how to open up and really share.
It's been an easybreezy past few days since turning in my EU energy paper. The weather has been wonderful - subzero and sunny, which means more frozen canals and picture-taking opportunities!
I've never been known to be a chef, let alone a fantastic one at that. (BUT. Well enough to have people over for chinese food every now and then.)
This, however, has not stopped me from stocking my kitchen cabinets with so much stuff - spice, dried goods, canned stuff, noodles, herbs, sauces, instant curry pastes, rice, powders..and the list goes on.
One thing I'm particularly proud of is my tea shelf.
l-r: Earl Grey, Moroccan Mint, Peach, Chai Vanilla, Green, Rooibos, Green tea (Variety Pack), (longish oblong below these: Luo Han Guo), Forrest Berries, Rasperrby, Green Sencha.
A city of contrasts is what Amsterdam is. Juxtapositions greet you everyday, challenging your world view and creating its own uncategorisable charm.
It's been a week since my return and I've been meandering the alley ways, navigating traffic on my bike, going to the various libraries all over the city, meeting up with friends and I'm beginnig to think: the wheels of the semester will just turn faster this time.
One of my ardent loves is capturing the fleeting moment. I am adamant that despite all the initial fuss, some "complaints" from friends (aka photo subjects) and lugging my camera(s) around with me on a daily basis, it will all be worth it at the end of the day. Month. Year. Lifetime.
It's fun to be back earlier than most, to welcome my friends back from their breaks. The familiarity of the city is almost complete right now..I am just missing a few faces and big personalities :)
Taken on the same day.
1. A frozen, placid Prinsengracht. 2. A little closer to the city centre, at the Singel - cracked ice.
Reading: Research...
Listening: Bag of Hammers & Swimming Pools by Thao
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