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a typical day in the life of sufen:

i wake up at 9/10am. read the papers. try to remember to catch that sakura card captor show at 11am on central. maybe read a bit or go swim. i chose the latter today:

more adventures by the pool

narcissistic endeavours

sit in front of the tele at 3:30pm. watch:

1) big unknown at 3:30pm on channel 5 because it's useful and i'm kpo + the snippets of london make me go gaga

2) gilmore girls at 4pm, again on 5 because it's a fun show and i like the mum a lot. hurrah! for it being everyday now instead of once a week.

3) the adventures of tintin at 5pm on kids central because i like tintin and his adventures make my life seem so mundane.

i have become a tv junkie





    Reading: Research...
    Listening: Bag of Hammers & Swimming Pools by Thao


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